Friday, May 15, 2009

The Sun Will Someday Come

And I will be waiting. Summer seems to be taking it's sweet time and I suppose it will be all the sweeter to me when it finally does arrive. And hearing the rain softly on the roof and watching the drops run down the window pane knowing that I am right where I am supposed to be is comforting in itself. There are struggling people all around me and everywhere I look I see the remnants of what's left of our economy. My husband has a job and will work many long, hot, hard hours this summer on the blacktop of our highways making our travels a little smoother. If only it were that easy. I know how lucky I am. I think the sky is clearing toward the west. Can you see it? Remember how lucky you are...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you are lucky to know that i am lucky to have a mom that tought me that we all need a little reminder somedays and that i can remind you that we cant and shouldt wait for the sun to come out. that sometimes we have to make our own sun and when we do baske in the glory of its rewards.